
How to Ensure the Right Maternity Insurance Plan?

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Parenthood brings a lot of excitement, happiness and yes a bundle of responsibilities. However, you can’t ignore the fact that raising a child is certainly an expensive affair when the expenses start from the moment someone conceives. If you too are planning a family and are aware of the steep rise in the maternity expenses, it’ll take less time to convince you to understand about maternity insurance.

In this regard, to ensure the right maternity insurance, you should know certain things about maternity insurance. Here we go!

Coverage under Maternity Insurance

Maternity insurance is designed to provide a financial shield towards the expenses incurred during your pregnancy. No doubt pregnancy is a wonderful feeling for every woman. Hence, you shouldn’t let anything to dampen the excitement. Maternity insurance is there to cover you for any emergency related to your pregnancy, starting from pre and post hospitalisation expenses to postnatal care. However, the coverage may differ from insurer to insurer. The hospitalisation expenses mainly cover-

  • Caesarean/normal delivery-related complications of the mother
  • Room rent, surgeon and nursing charges, anaesthetist consultation charges, doctor’s fees, and emergency ambulance charges.
  • Newborn baby cover up to 90 days in case of congenital disorder, related to newborn

Maternity Insurance Premium - The only disadvantage of maternity insurance is it comes with a high premium. The reason behind is you may not need the cover, and it covers almost a certain event and can help lessen its financial impact.

It always comes with a Waiting Period - Maternity insurance policies come with a defined waiting period, during which you can’t claim the policy. Usually, it is 2 to 4 years. However, there are very few who serve the policy with less waiting period. Hence, the insurance experts advise buying the policy as early as possible.

Some Additional Tips!

Apart from the aforementioned information, here are some tips to make the buying process easier:

  • Maternity shouldn’t be your sole concern while buying health insurance. Some health insurers offer maternity as inbuilt policy. If not, you can opt this as an add-on. Not a big deal!
  • If you are covered by your employer’s policy where maternity benefit is offered, restrain yourself from claiming your personal policy and use the employer’s policy. This way you can use your personal health insurance for the future and enjoy NCB bonus for not claiming the insurance.
  • Moreover, in case the medical expense exceeds the limit offered under your employer’s policy, you can use your personal policy to cover the additional expenses.
  • Start saving a certain portion of your salary as maternity fund.
  • As insurers don’t offer you the maternity insurance if you are already pregnant and yet to serve the waiting period. Therefore, it is better to buy the policy after analysing its pros and cons and buy one without any delay.

Final Word!

Without a doubt, maternity is the best phase of your life. Do prepare for it with maternity insurance in place, so that your savings are untouched!


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